miércoles, 25 de abril de 2018

POST 3 >> My Favourite Piece of Technology

hi!! my favorite piece of technology is my phone, I love my phone, I can't live without it cause I will miss it so much, maybe I would get bored with so many free time and I should do somethig else like jogging or met real people. With my phone I can talk with my family and friend all the time, I can read the news in internet,  facebook or twiter, I can take pictures of myself or anything else, I can see memes in facebook or instagram, I can see clothes and fashions catwalks in pinterest or instagram... I think I can do everything with my beautiful phone, but the problem is me, cause I have bad memory and am distracted, so I am usually asking to my friend or myself "where's my phone?", I lost my phone everyday but I am lucky and always find it. 

My parents gave me my first phone when I was in 6 grade but my dependence started when they gave me my first iphone, since that time and now I use my phone all te thime, when am bored, when am distracted in class, when am in the public transport or before to sleep. how not to love it? Is so useful and have all that a person doesn't, like quiet.

lunes, 23 de abril de 2018

Post 2 >> Why did you choose this career

Hi everyone! When I was 6 I really wanted to be a house painter ( I don´t know why, maybe cause I liked the colors) affter that, when I was 10 I wanted be a clothing designer but when I really decided what to do with my life was in the 17, when I had the scores in my hand and so many pressure. So maybe was the most irresponsible thing, but I chose what everybody told me, Architecture... and it worked!
I totally fall in love with my career. Yes, is very hard, especially when I fail a class, affter that everything was more and more difficult cause my ranking fell deeply, but make me grow up and now am better.
The kind of job I would like to have is maybe some job when I can travel making interventions in the public space.

miércoles, 11 de abril de 2018

Post 1 >> My auto Biography

Hi, in this post I want everybody know me better. I born in 1998 a 12 of may in a little city in the south of chile called Los Angeles but I lived in a even smaller town in the IX region of Araucania, Angol, a place where everybody know each others (not always was good) and surrounded by beautiful hill and trees.

My family is composed by my father who is such a good men with everybody and make laugh all the time, my sister, she is my accomplice in everything, she is a one year more older than me but I felt like she was my twin...I mean, when I was child we had the same imaginary friend and we imaginary the same way. Finally my mom, she is such a serius and strong woman that something sacre but she is honest and good.

I studied in San Jose' school all my life, and made my first friend and my fist boyfriend, but when I was 17 and ending the school I had to move to Santiago for the Univesity, leaving my friend, my family and my boyfriend, cause I wanted to study architecture in University of Chile.

When I started the universtity was very difficulted had good marks, even I fail a class but now I know that I can pass all my classes and I like this career so much...actually am really good in this. Now I am in my 3year and I have the control of my life back so I let me do other thing than just architecture, thing like go out with my new friends and new boyfriend, see movies, paint and above all desing and restore clothes.

In general I really happy with my new life, I think that everything is going well..... :)