miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2018


Hello everybody, today am going to talk about something so very important, is about friendship cause I think it is so relevant to give the importance that it deserve, I mean we are a specie tha had to be in society. So, all our friends make us the life much fun and good, nobody wants to be alone all day, also, everybody need sometime a person to talk to.

We don’t just talk with others but learn from them. We understand the process of meeting new acquaintances and finding out what makes them tick. These people help push us out of our comfort zones while still providing a safe emotional space for us to be totally ourselves.
Friends can challenge us, confuse us, and sometimes, we might wonder why we bother. But friendship is as important to our wellbeing as eating right and exercising. What’s more, friendships help us grow through each year of our lives. 
I have a best friend, her name is valentina and now we both are in university we don't see us so much, but everytime that one of two has a problem o something we know that the other will be there for help and listen

2 comentarios:

  1. With friends one always gets distracted and has a good time :) That's why you're my friend <3
    and Valentina is very nice haha!

  2. Good post!
    Friends are one of the best companies!
