miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2018

A Story

Hello everyone, today I am going to tell you a story about a sad snake called Lula. 
Lula was a misunderstood snake, she was always crawling through the jungle looking for something to eat just because she had to do it, she never asked herself if she liked eat thing from the ground, she just do it because everyone did it too. Lula had two friends, Nila and Zica, they was her friends and they never left her alone, but they were always talking about the things that they eat from the ground and what kinds of thing they could eat from the ground and where looking for those things, So Lula was tired tired of all those things and she felt that she was delayed with her the food because she had to gather food for the winter, and she felt that the food she had was not enough. With the running of the days Lula began to feel more and more stressed and sad, she looked all her friends in the ground and said: "I don´t want to stay on the ground anymore, why can't I be in heaven?". She looked a tree and climbed the tree with her body, when she was up there, she found all kinds of fruits in the trees, enough for infinite winters and she was so happy that she decided to never go down. Her friends asked where Lula was, they thought that she just wasn´t with them but Lula was in a better place.

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miércoles, 5 de diciembre de 2018

It's big and scary

Hi everyone, today I am going to talk about something that really scares me, it's an animal and live in the sea, to be more especific in warms waters, I think you know what I mean, yes is the shark. that animal really freak me out. I would never like to meet a shark in the ocean, never in my life, that is final death and so much pain, cause he has so many sharp teeth that definitely tear you in second, and the shark can feel your blood in kilometers of distances. The shark eat things like fish, crustaceans, mollusks, plankton, krill, marine mammals and other sharks. I don't know how many shark are, because I think that it is difficult to have a number since there are many different species that cover a large geographic area. However, the total number of sharks is decreasing cause today there are so many shark hunters, who kill them because of their fins.

The funny thing is that the shark isn't the animal that scare me most, although you don't believe me, is the whale, but I always thought that the shark is more interesting than the whale, in fact, I saw so many documentaries about sharks, it's like see a horror movies to me but is it's fascinating anyway

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miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2018

The Upcoming Summer

hello follower! today I am going to talk about something very difficult to me, the topic is what I plan to do in the summer, it's complicated because I am not sure about anything in January and February, that is why I will be in FAU until the last week of January so maybe I will not do nothing else, just study, or maybe in the week of Christmas I migh go to the beach with my boyfriend for do something different that be in front of a laptod all day. I could miss all the week to the FAU (until new year), just because I can and I want.
Unfortunatey I am sure I will not do that, because I don't want to fail any class so the most likely is that I stay here in Santiago studying and doing jobs, and maybe try to do something different in the weekend...I hope.
Now, in February I will go to Angol, my native city, until the classes begin. But that is not fun either, I mean, yes I will se my mom, my dad and my dog, but it is one month in a town where nothing happens and everything is boring, also I have lost many contacts from Angol, then I will not have many people to go out with. Anyway I still having some friends so I think we could go to camping like every summer, also my parents have planed in February go to San Pedro de Atacama for a week and that is a good trip.

Resultado de imagen para fau arquitectura

miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2018

A Photograph I Like

Hi everyone! today I will show you a photo taken by me, and is my favorite photo in my life it shows my beautifull dog smelling some flowers in the garden of a copec, I took this picture when my family and I came back from a very logn trip from Punta Arenas to Angol. So when we was in the midle of the trip, the only thing that I wanted was stop for ten minutes and walk, so when I saw a Copec I said "Can we stop for a minute?" then my mom parked the car and we go for some food, water and any bathroom, but when we was walking to the bulding, my little dog stoped in the garden and I really wanted to take her a photo because she looked very lovely, so when I got on my knees and I called by her name she inmediately started to run to me and just at the moment I take the pictore she stoped for smell a flower and I took the photo. She looks so pretty and cute in this picture that I put in my room.  

miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2018

A Skill I Admire

Hi followwer! today I am going to explain some habit I hate, some people have the perhaps terrible habit of judging people by their own standards, although they don't know him. There are two qualities I like the most in other people: logical thinking and seeking knowledge for self enrichment. Knowledge strenghtens logical thinking and people who think and try so much to show everyone that they are so logically and intellectuals, something easily evidenced by what comes out of their mouths, strike me as stupid. I don't like to be around them or interact with them. I admire more the common people, who don't care what the rest do or pretend, they are intelligent people who are happy for the archivements of the rest and they don't have the need to say all the thousands of achievements they have, cause they are just simples and you can talk to them about anthing. without feeling pressured. that is the skill I admire, the humility.

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2018


hi friends, today I am going to talk about an important topic, and to start to talk about it I have to say that when I was a child my biggest dream wea be a painter, but not a picture painter, because for me that was so small, I wanted to be a hauses painter, and maybe that's why I painted all my walls and it wasn't pretty.

Then when I grow up, I started to paint and draw but in a papel and sometimes in my wall, but this time it was something more elaborate. And I did it all the time. It was clear that was my area, an area more artistic or more plastic. And when I was 18 years old I decided study architecture because I liked more shapes and spaces than humans figures, so when I get here in this jail called FAU, I discovered a new passion: The fashions world. Now I can be one day washing magazines and outfits in pinterest, and I'm not bored. Now also I wanted to be a model I would love to travel the world and model all the different and wonderful designers's clothers. Moldeling seems so exciting ans outgoing, and it will be more exciting if all the clothes, the decorations and even the building or the space would be designed by me. haw can you see I don't have one dream job, I have three dream jobs, the best part is that in none I have to be in a office, maybe more like a study or in the outdoor, in my house or even outside of the country. :)

miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2018


Hello everybody, today am going to talk about something so very important, is about friendship cause I think it is so relevant to give the importance that it deserve, I mean we are a specie tha had to be in society. So, all our friends make us the life much fun and good, nobody wants to be alone all day, also, everybody need sometime a person to talk to.

We don’t just talk with others but learn from them. We understand the process of meeting new acquaintances and finding out what makes them tick. These people help push us out of our comfort zones while still providing a safe emotional space for us to be totally ourselves.
Friends can challenge us, confuse us, and sometimes, we might wonder why we bother. But friendship is as important to our wellbeing as eating right and exercising. What’s more, friendships help us grow through each year of our lives. 
I have a best friend, her name is valentina and now we both are in university we don't see us so much, but everytime that one of two has a problem o something we know that the other will be there for help and listen

miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2018

My favorite technology

hi!! Today am going to talk about my favorite piece of technology, and that's definitive my phone, I love my phone, I can't live without it cause I will miss it so much, maybe I would get bored with so much free time and I should do somethig else like jogging or met real people. Is my favorite because is very versatile, I mean, with my phone I can talk with my family and friend all the time, I can read the news in internet,  Facebook or twiter, I can take pictures of myself or anything else, I can see memes in facebook or instagram, I can see clothes and fashions catwalks in pinterest or instagram... I think I can do everything with my beautiful phone, but the problem is me, cause I have bad memory and am distracted, so I am usually asking to my friend or myself "where's my phone?", I lost my phone everyday but I am lucky and always find it.
My parents gave me my first phone when I was in 6 grade but my dependence started when they gave me my first iphone, since that time and now I use my phone all te thime, when am bored, when am distracted in class, when am in the public transport or before to sleep. how not to love it? Is so useful and have all that a person doesn't, like quiet.

Resultado de imagen para iphone
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miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2018

What country would I like to visit?

Hi everyone today am going to talk about the contry I would like to visit, I have always wanted to visit many countries and new places.If I have to name a country  definitely Italy. I think that everyone in the world would like go to Italy, but to me is more special because for my carrer I saw all the beautiful buildings there are in Italy specially in Rome, but just in photos !

I don't know so much about how are the people there, someone told me that they are loud, another else said me that they have bad smell, but besides that, I don't know anything else. Anyway I wouldn't go for the peolple, I would go just for the city. I know that is a beautiful city cause there is the most older architecture in the world like the Coliseum, Venice Square, Plazza di Popolo, the Panteón, Basilica Santa Maria and so many other amazing buildings. 

I would like go to study, maybe the next year for a semester, but I would like more stay in Italy for ever. Live there for the rest of my life

miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2018

Post 10 >> Some Reflections...


Post 9 >> Free Themed Topic

Dear all, first of all, I would like to say that I like almost all the music in the world, but now I was frequenting one kind of music that I liked so much. More than a kind of music, I like a singer in particular, her name is Ella Fitzgeraldd, she is a jazz singer very popular of the 30's. I started to listen to it when a saw a series called The Crown, in the series one of the characters I listened to that music, so I searched for that music and I found Ella. I like Ella because of the way she sings, and how her voice gets to the notes, every time I listen to her, it makes me very happy.

Many of his songs are made in duo with louis armstrong, I think that every time they sing their voices they feel very different from each other cause he had a very hoarsely voice and she had a sweet voice, but anyway all the songs they made together are a success.

I would have liked to be from that time, to have seen her on live. But now the only thing that I want is fix my record player and steal to my grandmother all the vinyls of the Ella  Fitzgeraldd.

Post 8 >> A Subject you've enjoyed studying this semester

to be continue

domingo, 5 de agosto de 2018

Post 7 >> Carrer-Related Website

Hi, usually when I need to look for information about architecture, I enter lot pages of the internet, but there is always one that is always there. This page is called "Architecture Platform" and is one of the most famous pages of architecture in spanish.

I don't know where this page comes from, but when I started university, it was there, and it always had all the information I was looking for. The page has a news section where it shows the latest news about architecture, a section of articles where it shows reports, a section of products where it shows construction marks, a section of interviews to famous architects, a section where it shows architecture events or design, a section that shows opportunities for architectural competitions and more.

I recommend all architecture students and architects to review this page, in addition to having all the information we need, it keeps us up to date with the latest architectural works, and if you are really interested in the career then you will visit this page often and just for fun,
at least that happened to me

Post 6 >> Themed/Free Post "Video Games / Board Games"

Resultado de imagen para super smash bros wii
Hi everyone, today I'll talk about my favorite video game and is Super Smash Bros for Wii, is about every nintendo characters fighting each other until they lose all their lives or time runs out. I don't really remember the fist time I played it because I was so small, but I remember I played it with some neighbors and my sister all day, we played tight on an old computer, all four sitting on a chair with wheels.

 Time went by and I got a nintendo wii console, I had many games except that, because it was very old, until one day my sister found a friend who had it and we borrowed it (we never gave it back), since that day we never stopped playing it, in fact, we organized friends' meetings to play Super Smash Bros.

 I've played that game so much that I've become an expert in it, it's really hard to beat me in smash, and although it seems incredible, during all this time I've only played with one character, Kirby, I know everything about his movements and blows, It is better not to try to win. Another game that I would like to play is Zelda : Ocarina of time, because I have played almost all of its games and I have spent whole summers without finishing it. 

miércoles, 18 de julio de 2018

Post 5 >> A Photograph you like

Hi everyone today I will talk about my favorite photo taken by myself, it shows my beautifull dog smelling  some flowers in the garden of a copec, I took that photo when I came back to a very long trip from Punta Arenas to Angol with my boyfriend and my dog Manuela, so when we were in the middle of that trip I really wanted to stop for ten minutes to walk, eat and go to the bathroom, so my boyfriend and I saw a Copec and I said "Can we stop please?", he parked the car and I went to the bathroom, afther that I bought an ice-cream for both and my boyfriend went to the bathroom while I took care of my dog, so when we were walking for the garden I wanted to take a photo because I thought she looks very lovely, so I got on my knees and I called by her name, immediately she started to run towards me and I was ready to take the photo but suddenly she stoped in the flowers and I accidentaly took the photo. 

After that I saw the photo and I was excited for showing it to everyone, because she looks absolutely adorable and even she is 12 years old she still be so lovely like always and that photo shows it, that is why I love so much this photo. 

POST 4 >> Tv shows and series


miércoles, 25 de abril de 2018

POST 3 >> My Favourite Piece of Technology

hi!! my favorite piece of technology is my phone, I love my phone, I can't live without it cause I will miss it so much, maybe I would get bored with so many free time and I should do somethig else like jogging or met real people. With my phone I can talk with my family and friend all the time, I can read the news in internet,  facebook or twiter, I can take pictures of myself or anything else, I can see memes in facebook or instagram, I can see clothes and fashions catwalks in pinterest or instagram... I think I can do everything with my beautiful phone, but the problem is me, cause I have bad memory and am distracted, so I am usually asking to my friend or myself "where's my phone?", I lost my phone everyday but I am lucky and always find it. 

My parents gave me my first phone when I was in 6 grade but my dependence started when they gave me my first iphone, since that time and now I use my phone all te thime, when am bored, when am distracted in class, when am in the public transport or before to sleep. how not to love it? Is so useful and have all that a person doesn't, like quiet.

lunes, 23 de abril de 2018

Post 2 >> Why did you choose this career

Hi everyone! When I was 6 I really wanted to be a house painter ( I don´t know why, maybe cause I liked the colors) affter that, when I was 10 I wanted be a clothing designer but when I really decided what to do with my life was in the 17, when I had the scores in my hand and so many pressure. So maybe was the most irresponsible thing, but I chose what everybody told me, Architecture... and it worked!
I totally fall in love with my career. Yes, is very hard, especially when I fail a class, affter that everything was more and more difficult cause my ranking fell deeply, but make me grow up and now am better.
The kind of job I would like to have is maybe some job when I can travel making interventions in the public space.

miércoles, 11 de abril de 2018

Post 1 >> My auto Biography

Hi, in this post I want everybody know me better. I born in 1998 a 12 of may in a little city in the south of chile called Los Angeles but I lived in a even smaller town in the IX region of Araucania, Angol, a place where everybody know each others (not always was good) and surrounded by beautiful hill and trees.

My family is composed by my father who is such a good men with everybody and make laugh all the time, my sister, she is my accomplice in everything, she is a one year more older than me but I felt like she was my twin...I mean, when I was child we had the same imaginary friend and we imaginary the same way. Finally my mom, she is such a serius and strong woman that something sacre but she is honest and good.

I studied in San Jose' school all my life, and made my first friend and my fist boyfriend, but when I was 17 and ending the school I had to move to Santiago for the Univesity, leaving my friend, my family and my boyfriend, cause I wanted to study architecture in University of Chile.

When I started the universtity was very difficulted had good marks, even I fail a class but now I know that I can pass all my classes and I like this career so much...actually am really good in this. Now I am in my 3year and I have the control of my life back so I let me do other thing than just architecture, thing like go out with my new friends and new boyfriend, see movies, paint and above all desing and restore clothes.

In general I really happy with my new life, I think that everything is going well..... :)